API in Danger: Underestimated Security Holes 

In recent years, API security has become a crucial issue for companies, with several significant leaks revealing the vulnerabilities of API integrations. For example, in June 2024, Authy (Twilio) suffered an attack resulting in the exfiltration of personal data of 33.4 million users [1]. This was caused by poor API authorization management, exposing phone numbers. Another major breach hit Ivanti, where cyber attackers exploited an API authentication bypass flaw, allowing unauthorized access to endpoints and indirectly compromising 12 Norwegian ministries [2]. 

These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. They illustrate a growing trend of API attacks, which have exploded in recent years. Yet, many companies are unaware of the number of APIs they use. APIs are now ubiquitous, even on showcase sites with third-party extensions, making every interface a potential door for cybercriminals. 

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allow different applications to communicate with each other. The most commonly used APIs are REST, SOAP, and GraphQL. Here are their main differences: 

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): An architectural style using the HTTP protocol to interact with resources via URLs. It returns data in various formats (JSON, XML, etc.), with JSON being the most used for its lightness. REST is stateless, meaning each request must contain all the information needed for its processing. 
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): A standard protocol for exchanging XML messages. It is more complex than REST but offers robust security standards (WS-Security). SOAP can operate in a stateless or stateful manner, allowing session management. 
  • GraphQL (Graph Query Language): Designed by Facebook, GraphQL allows clients to request exactly the data they need. Unlike REST, which relies on distinct resources, GraphQL uses a single endpoint to return the information specified by the client in JSON format. 

The choice of API type depends on the specific needs of the application. REST is often preferred for modern web applications, SOAP for environments requiring high security standards, and GraphQL for complex applications with precise data needs. 

Securing APIs: A Top Priority

A single flaw can be very costly and permanently tarnish a company’s image, with significant financial and reputational consequences. One solution for organizations is to regularly conduct security audits and penetration tests on their APIs. These actions help detect and correct vulnerabilities before they are exploited by cybercriminals. 

Recent examples of breaches clearly show why API security must be a priority for any company. Even showcase sites integrating third-party extensions can expose flaws. 

API-targeted attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. Protecting these interfaces is therefore essential to ensure the security of your data and the continuity of your operations. Don’t let a flaw jeopardize your business. 

Protect your web applications today!

An undetected security flaw can compromise the security of your web applications and damage the trust of your customers. At KYOS, we offer comprehensive penetration testing of your interfaces, including REST APIs and web applications, to identify and correct critical vulnerabilities. 

Our Pentest Web Essential offer includes: 

  • A kick-off meeting 
  • Definition of prerequisites 
  • Analysis of 20 endpoints (web pages or API functions) 
  • Full report with findings and recommendations 

Additional options are available, such as analysis of a further 20 endpoints or a review session of the results. 

Contact us today to secure your applications and guarantee your customers’ trust! 

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