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Pentests guide: Protecting your systems from cyber threats

Understanding Pentests: A comprehensive guide In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats are ever-evolving, safeguarding your organization’s critical assets and sensitive information is paramount. There is no room for complacency when it comes to security. Pentests, short for penetration tests, are a crucial component of your organization’s overall security strategy, enabling you to proactively identify

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nLPD (nFADP) comes into force : obligations and opportunities

The revised Data Protection Act (DPA) has been in force since September 1, 2023, with no transition phase. Its main objective is to protect the personality and fundamental rights of individuals, whose data is processed by private players or the authorities. The law demands maximum transparency, giving individuals greater control over their own information. It

nLPD (nFADP) comes into force : obligations and opportunities Read More »

Thales creates CDSP out of Vormetric and KeySecure

CDSP out of Vormetric and KeySecure In 2014, when they approached us, Vormetric was already an established company and their Data Security appliance convinced more than a few of our customers, along with our experts, that centralised data encryption and key lifecycle management solutions were to become an essential component of any information system. By

Thales creates CDSP out of Vormetric and KeySecure Read More »


Improve your agility with security

Access your internal resources seamlessly, or when security improves agility The way we work has changed dramatically over the last two years, bringing new challenges to secure access to internal resources without impacting the user experience. Unfortunately, the solutions available until now were cumbersome and required concessions to security best practices. To address this issue,

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